Make up

1- Make (sth) up : Invent a story

2- Make sth up: complete, to form a particular thing, amount or number as a whole

        3- Make up (for sth):  to reduce or replace something, usually an amount of time or work, that has been lost

  • Examples in context:
1.- He feared the marriage might be in trouble, therefore, he made up an excuse to go to their door and check on them.
1.- I made up this question: “What is the main ingredient of the chocolate you buy in the shops?” 
2.- Foreigners now make up nearly half of all the pupils. They are all new arrivals.
3.- The study of animals emotions has become an exciting field that is quickly making up for lost time.
        1- Inventar
        2- Componer(se), constituir, formar
                3- Compensar por algo

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