

Turn into

Turn (sb/sth) into sb/sth: to change and become someone or something different, or to make someone or something do this

  • Separable (optional)
  • Examples in context:
  • A mass street drinking session held by Spanish youths turned into a riot last night in which 68 people were injured and 54 arrested in Barcelona alone, police have said. 
  • The device, which is worn around the neck, does not transmit outside noise as it does not use a microphone; instead, a microchip translates voice vibrations in the skin into electrical impulses that are then turned into words. 
  • The great news is that this will all make your children do better in school! It may turn them into exhausted, disciplined automatons or it may block their imaginations, and leave them no time to themselves.
  • A series of weather modification experiments carried out by General Electric Laboratories showed that releasing chemicals into clouds caused rain drops to turn into ice at higher than normal temperatures. 
  • In China, women appear to be playing an increasingly important role in sustainability and for one Chinese woman in particular, it turned her into the wealthiest self-made woman in the world.
    Transformar(se), convertir(se) en

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