

Slow movement - EOI Canarias inglés B1 resuelto

Slow movement
The Slow Movement began with a protest against the opening of a McDonald’s restaurant in Piazza di Spagna, Rome that sparked the creation of the Slow Food organization. Over time, this developed into a subculture in other areas, such as Slow Travel, Slow Shopping and Slow Design. A principal characteristic of the Slow Movement is that it is propounded, and its momentum maintained, by individuals that constitute the expanding global community of Slow. Although it has existed in some form since the Industrial Revolution its popularity has grown considerably since the rise of Slow Food and Cittaslow in Europe, with Slow initiatives spreading as far as Australia and Japan.


Slow Parenting

Slow parenting encourages parents to plan less for their children, instead allowing them to enjoy their childhood and explore the world at their own pace. It is a response to hyper-parenting and helicopter parenting, the widespread trend for parents to schedule activities and classes after school every day and every weekend, to solve children´s problems, and to buy services from commercial suppliers rather than letting nature take its course. It was described most specifically by Carl Honoré in "Under Pressure: Rescuing Our Children From The Culture Of Hyper-Parenting".


Slow Travel

Supporters of slow travel argue that all too often the potential pleasure of the journey is lost by too eager anticipation of arrival. Slow travel is a state of mind which allows travellers to engage more fully with communities along their route, often favouring visits to spots enjoyed by local residents rather than merely following guidebooks. As such, slow travel shares some common values with ecotourism. Its supporters and devotees generally look for low-impact travel styles, even to the extent of avoiding flying.


Slow Art

Slow art is a developing movement championed by such proponents as Michael Kimmelman, chief art critic and columnist for the New York Times. It supports appreciating an art work in itself as opposed to a rapid, ephemeral state of art common in a chaotic societal setting. One of its central beliefs is that people often search what they already know as opposed to allowing the artist to present a journey or piece in itswhole.

Adapted from


Read the text. For questions 1-3 choose the correct answer (a, b or c) according to what you read. Item 0 is given as an example.

0. The Slow Movement is promoted by:
a) companies.
b) governments.
c) individuals.

1. Hyper-parents are parents who…
a) arrange tight schedules for their children.
b) don´t care much for their children.
c) enjoy their children´s free time .

2. Slow travellers tend…
a) to follow the frantic pace of rushing from guidebooks.
b) to visit unspoilt areas.
c) to visit villages.

3. Slow Art followers…
a) are delighted with well-known pieces of art.
b) are reluctant to visit art galleries.
c) prefer to admire a work of art in its entirety.


1 A
2 B
3 C


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